Es todo un honor presentaros la entrevista para este delicioso puente donde espero todo el mundo disfrute y descnase, de la mano de mi entrevistada, la conocida Belén de, sencillamente un honor y gusto daros a concoer algo más a Belén, creadora de un blog que en cada post me deje perpleja por su conocimiento y creatividad, espero que os gute tanto como a mi!
1.Cuándo y porqué comenzaste a interesarte por la moda?
Comencé en septiembre de 2009 con el blog, pero mi interés por la moda viene de siempre. No recuerdo una fecha exacta. Cuando estudié Periodismo en la Universidad de Navarra ya trabajaba llevando la comunicación a un diseñador francés. Y luego estudié diseño y trabajé en el mundo de la moda.
2.Te dio por el video,(cosa que a la gran mayoría nos encanta ya que es una manera distinta de comunicarse) porqué ?cual fue tu primera experiencia al verte al otro lado de la cámara y ponerte a hablar?
Me dio por el vídeo porque mi marido y yo teníamos una productora audiovisual. Mi marido estudió Comunicación Audiovisual y luego guión y producción de televisión y distribución de cine. Así que era lo más normal para nosotros.
Al principio se me hizo muy raro porque había estado acostumbrada a estar detrás de la cámara. Con el tiempo me he sentido mucho más cómoda.
3. De qué es lo que mas te gusta hablar en tus videos?tienes alguno favorito?
Me gusta cubrir diferentes inquietudes. No tengo uno favorito. Quizá los más emocionantes fueron cuando anuncié mi embarazo y cuando di a conocer a Leo.
4.Qué blogs sigues habitualmente?
Leo muchísimos blogs al día y no me gusta mojarme con ejemplos porque me dejaría muchos en el tintero. Suelo responder con cierta frecuencia a la gente que me deja comentarios. Así que ahí tienes una buena lista de blogs. También leo los que tengo en mi blogroll.
5. Crees realmente que el mundo de la moda es tan frio como lo cree mucha gente?
No creo que el calificativo que mejor le defina sea ese. Para nada, más bien todo lo contrario.
6.Qué te gusta ver a la hora de descubrir un nuevo blog?en que sueles fijarte?
En que tengan personalidad. Haber, hay millones de blogs, pero con una personalidad fuerte, sólo unos pocos. Estos son los que más me gustan.
7.Te gusta que los blogeros den su opinion acerca del tema que traten en su post?y obviamente me refiero cuando la dan sin faltar al respeto,sino desde un punto de vista educado,y razonando su respuesta,no el critico que soloc ritica a malas.
Me encanta que la gente comparta su opinión, experiencia, gustos… Esos comentarios dan valor a mi blog y los aprecio a cada uno. La crítica constructiva también es siempre bienvenida en mi blog. Lo que no permito son los comentarios destructivos, irrespetuosos o negativos. No soporto a la gente que es negativa y que destruye lo que otros han hecho con dedicación y esfuerzo. Soy de las que pienso que en todas las cosas hay siempre una lectura positiva y espacio para la mejora. Lo bueno es que en mi blog no tengo muchos de esos, pero de vez en cuando se asoman para hacer daño.
8.Que momento del dia decides para grabar?
Hasta que nació Leo grabábamos en la hora de la siesta de mi hija los fines de semana. Ahora todo se ha complicado un poco más y grabamos los sábados a la mañana mientras una señora cuida de nuestros hijos.
9.Como te inspiras?porque se que te llevara tiempo organizar cada video,la idea del mismo…como consigues la inspiracion siendo madre de familia tan aplicada? Alguna pista de que sera tu proximo video?
Me inspiro en todo lo que me sucede cada día, navego mucho por Internet, leo revistas de moda y sobre todo vivo con los ojos muy abiertos. Son muy observadora y supongo que las cosas se van quedando en mi retina.
10.Algo que quieras decir a bloger@s que duden de si contunuar escribiendo o no…(Mucha gente que abre un blog lo cierra pq cree que no vale para eso)
Depende de cada caso y de por qué uno quiere dejarlo. Tampoco hay que forzar la máquina ni tirar la toalla a la mínima de cambio. Como en la vida misma.
It is an honor to present the interview for this delicious bridge where I hope everyone enjoys and descnase, with the help of my interviewee, the Bethlehem known simply give you an honor and pleasure to concentrate more to Bethlehem, the creator of a blog for each post to leave me perplexed by his knowledge and creativity, so I hope you like my gute!
1.When and why you started being interested in fashion?
I started in September 2009 with the blog, but my interest in fashion is forever. I do not remember an exact date. When I studied journalism at the University of Navarra and work carried over to a French designer. And then I studied design and worked in the fashion world.
2.Te gave the video (which the vast majority love us because it is a different way to communicate) why? Was your first experience to see the other side of the camera and get to talk?
I gave the video because my husband and I had a production company. My husband studied Audiovisual Communication and then script and television production and film distribution. So it was perfectly normal for us.
At first I found it very strange because I had been accustomed to being behind the camera. Over time I have felt more comfortable.
3. From what you most like to talk in your videos? You have a favorite?
I like to cover different concerns. I have no one favorite. Perhaps the most exciting was when I announced my pregnancy and when I made known to Leo.
4.What blogs you follow regularly?
Read many blogs daily and I do not like getting wet with many examples because they let me on the shelf. Soil frequently respond to people who leave me comments. So there you have a good list of blogs. I also read that I have in my blogroll.
1.When and why you started being interested in fashion?
I started in September 2009 with the blog, but my interest in fashion is forever. I do not remember an exact date. When I studied journalism at the University of Navarra and work carried over to a French designer. And then I studied design and worked in the fashion world.
2.Te gave the video (which the vast majority love us because it is a different way to communicate) why? Was your first experience to see the other side of the camera and get to talk?
I gave the video because my husband and I had a production company. My husband studied Audiovisual Communication and then script and television production and film distribution. So it was perfectly normal for us.
At first I found it very strange because I had been accustomed to being behind the camera. Over time I have felt more comfortable.
3. From what you most like to talk in your videos? You have a favorite?
I like to cover different concerns. I have no one favorite. Perhaps the most exciting was when I announced my pregnancy and when I made known to Leo.
4.What blogs you follow regularly?
Read many blogs daily and I do not like getting wet with many examples because they let me on the shelf. Soil frequently respond to people who leave me comments. So there you have a good list of blogs. I also read that I have in my blogroll.
5. You really think the world of fashion is as cold as many believe?
I do not think the term that best defines as that. Not at all, quite the opposite.
I do not think the term that best defines as that. Not at all, quite the opposite.
6.Qué you like to see the time to discover a new blog? That you usually look out for?
They have personality. Haber, there are millions of blogs, but with a strong personality, but a few. These are the ones I like.
They have personality. Haber, there are millions of blogs, but with a strong personality, but a few. These are the ones I like.
7.Te like the bloggers give their opinion on the subject treated in his post? And obviously I mean when I give it no disrespect, but from an educational point of view, and a reasoned response, not the critic who soloc ritica to bad.
I love that people share their views, experiences, likes … These comments give value to my blog and appreciate each one. Constructive criticism is also always welcome in my blog. What are the comments do not allow destructive, disrespectful or negative. I can not stand people who are negative and destroy what others have done with dedication and effort. I am one I think in all things there is always a positive reading room for improvement. The good news is that in my blog I have not many of those, but will occasionally look out for harm.
8.Que time of day you decide to record?
Leo was born until the time we recorded the nap of my daughter on weekends. Now it’s all a bit complicated and recorded on Saturday morning while a woman takes care of our children. inspires you? Because you take time to organize each video, the idea of it … as you get the inspiration being the mother of family as applied? Any clues that will be your next video?
I am inspired by everything that happens to me every day, I browse a lot online, read fashion magazines and mostly live with eyes wide open. They are very observant and I guess things are staying at my retina.
10.Algo you mean blogging ‘s who doubt whether or not contunuar writing … (Many people who closes it opens up a blog believes that pq is not valid for that) Depends on each case and why you want to quit. Nor should we force the machine and throw in the towel at the slightest change. As in life itself.
I love that people share their views, experiences, likes … These comments give value to my blog and appreciate each one. Constructive criticism is also always welcome in my blog. What are the comments do not allow destructive, disrespectful or negative. I can not stand people who are negative and destroy what others have done with dedication and effort. I am one I think in all things there is always a positive reading room for improvement. The good news is that in my blog I have not many of those, but will occasionally look out for harm.
8.Que time of day you decide to record?
Leo was born until the time we recorded the nap of my daughter on weekends. Now it’s all a bit complicated and recorded on Saturday morning while a woman takes care of our children. inspires you? Because you take time to organize each video, the idea of it … as you get the inspiration being the mother of family as applied? Any clues that will be your next video?
I am inspired by everything that happens to me every day, I browse a lot online, read fashion magazines and mostly live with eyes wide open. They are very observant and I guess things are staying at my retina.
10.Algo you mean blogging ‘s who doubt whether or not contunuar writing … (Many people who closes it opens up a blog believes that pq is not valid for that) Depends on each case and why you want to quit. Nor should we force the machine and throw in the towel at the slightest change. As in life itself.